Sunday, 25 March 2012

question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evalution stages?

The internet is the biggest media technology used in my research, planning, and construction, different websites used helped me in researching all about the indie rock genre.

google was my most used media institute as it is the gateway to hours of indie rock revision. I branched off google to use such sites as wikipedia and other websites which enabled me to look deeper into the genre. Google provides unlimited information on the subject.

Also i have used blogger throughout the year to post things up and have somewhere to put my research, this has become increasingly helpful as new technology has made it easier than ever before, with posting pictures and youtube links becoming much easier to achieve, without this media technology then my work would be much more basic going back to pen and paper.

youtube played a massive part in my year enabling me to watch different clips for other bands which resemble the feautures of indie rock characteristics such as the strokes music video's which inspired me into my video, youtube has also enabled me to be able to put my music video online to get positive or negative feedback in order for me to learn from this experience and also to show my achievement to others. Youtube has become very useful in breaking down video's as you can stop and start where you wish in the video to analyse the surroundings.

when researching into indie rock trying to make my pack attractive to a wide audience i needed inspiration and also a guideline of what it should look like and what other artists have gone with in there ideas of the perfect concept, this helped me because it allowed me to see which artists CD's sell the best and which one grabs your eye and how, analyzing different camera angles and ways in which the artist is represented if to show off sex appeal or a untouchable image or so on, to find all this out i used such musical guidelines as "kerrang" and "bbc music" as guidelines to help me in my research.

while filming my video i used a panasonic digital camera which enabled me to record the band playing at a gig of there's and where they rehearse this technology is the whole basis around my music video and is the cornerstone into this whole experience. This camera was fairly easy to use and produced fairly good quality footage while being easy to use. The camera had a digital screen which enabled me to look over footage once i had done which was very useful.

in my editing i used photoshop to alter my panels which was very helpful as it enabled me to change the brightness and contrast of certain photo's to bring out the definition in some of the photo's also the black and white feature i used a lot to get the photo's into the right genre characteristics.

In editing my footage i used premier elements which allowed me to chop up footage and move it around and lace it all together plus add the track to the video footage.

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